It's all about Change ...

... was not only the motto of this year's German Marketing Day (DMT), but would also have been the appropriate headline for the event there on the topic of market research. Official title: "The new role of market research - why marketers should have us on their radar" - with Eva D. Bock (September), Jason Modemann (Mawave), Dr. Kai Hudetz ECC NEXT) and Jens Krüger (Bonsai Research).

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Best Case: Weleda - at Insights 2023

This year's Insights Congress of planning & analysis had around 200 industry participants. Together with Dr. Christiane Quaas from Weleda, Prof. Dirk Frank from Bonsai presented the Best Case Weleda: A lesson from the marketing textbook: How large are the target groups we can really reach, and are we making sufficient use of the growth opportunities? What role do segmentations and the consumer journey play?

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New study for OTC manufacturers on pharmacy sales force

The trade press reports on the current results of the Bonsai OTC Pharmacies Field Service Rating 2023. According to this, Ratiopharm, Bionorica, Beiersdorf and Orthomol have the best field service. In general, three quarters of pharmacies do not want to do without OTC sales force visits. However, the individual observations of the manufacturers show serious differences - especially in very decisive criteria such as the willingness to recommend. 

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Is this real market research, or can it go away?

1,000 respondents are representative. Or is it better to have 2,000? If even renowned journalists like Markus Lanz spread misinformation about market research on television, how is it supposed to be properly understood by the general population? In his new column, Jens Krüger asks how the market research industry should deal with the obvious lack of understanding of the concept of representativeness.

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German Donation Monitor: More is being donated!

Increasingly precise market research methods enable organizations to get to know the donations market and thus the behavior of their target groups better and better. Jan Borcherding, Head of Bonsai Public, has been in charge of conducting the German Donation Monitor for many years. He highlights current developments in the magazine FUNDStücke of the German Fundraising Association.

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Protected word-picture marks, algorithms, calculations and indices, the composition of which is known only to the institute. Is this kind of demarcation still in keeping with the times? Or isn't there a lot to be said for looking at one's cards? Bonsai-In his column on, CEO Jens Krüger argues for more openness and transparency and explains why the methodical back room in market research has had its day.

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Bonsai the ISM Global Dynamics team takes over

Bonsai Research continues to grow: We take over proven methods, models and employees from ISM Global Dynamics. Prof. Dirk Frank and a large part of his staff are moving to Bonsai Research to strengthen the Strategy team. The background and details are explained by Bonsai CEO Jens Krüger and Prof. Dirk Frank, Head of Strategy, in an interview with planung & analyse.

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Many OTC manufacturers have an image problem with pharmacies

The Bonsai Pharmacy Sales Survey shows that over-the-counter and OTC manufacturers are not really rated well by pharmacists:inside. Just two examples: The recommendation rates leave much to be desired and a large part of the advertising materials lands unused in the garbage. In an interview with Healthcare Marketing, Bettina Mertens-Danowski, Head of Bonsai Health, explains what the manufacturers can do most effectively.

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Otto Trend Study Ethical Consumption 2023 - "From the Optimism of Action".

For the sixth time, the Trendbüro presents the study on ethical consumption, which is initiated and published by the Otto Group and for which Bonsai Research has taken over the market research part.One important result in advance: Ethical consumer behavior remains capable of gaining majority support. For 62 percent of people, it is an integral part of their purchasing considerations - although the value has fallen by eight percentage points in view of the crises.

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New consumer behavior - new brand management

Consumer behavior in 2023 - first Corona, then the Ukraine war and its consequences: How consumers are reacting to these developments and what this means for brand management is revealed by experts such as Jens Krüger, CEO of Bonsai Research in the current issue of "Markenartikel".

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Elke Loew
Bonsai - Inquiring: Quotes from consumers

To really understand consumers, we follow an almost revolutionary concept at Bonsai Lab: listen, listen, ask, listen again. And because a personal statement sometimes says more than 1,000 numbers, we let you listen in on what people have to say in our studies every month. In original sound. Today, the question is: How important will cars be for you in the future?

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Bonsai Launches Bonsai Public

Bonsai Research bundles its expertise and innovative research projects with social relevance - for companies, NGOs and other institutions. and planung & analyse report on this today. Bonsai Public shows where and how companies can get involved and position themselves "correctly" in the social context.

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Values index: freedom becomes most important value - great media coverage

People's longing for ease and freedom has grown enormously in permanent crisis mode. The problem is that the quest for individual freedom threatens to divide our society. The exciting results of the new values index update met with a great response in the media. On 13.01. more about this at an online presentation of Bonsai.

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Complementing Qualitative Research with AI

"Cool buddy AI" - under this title Alexandra von Cukrowicz (Head of Bonsai Lab) and Stefka Mihaylova (Director Europe Entropik Technologies) report in Planung & Analyse about the innovative AI application Decode. With Decode, the voice and facial expressions of group discussion participants are analyzed with the help of AI. A twelve-country study shows what the innovative tool can do.

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Delivery emergency at pharmacies - press reports on Bonsai ApoVote

New results from Bonsai ApoVote - among others in the Saarbrücker Zeitung, MDR, Finanznachrichten and in the pharmacy trade media. The topic hits the nerve of the time: All pharmacies in Germany suffer from supply bottlenecks. 93 percent state that they have to deal with supply problems on a daily basis. Five percent are affected several times a week, the rest less frequently.

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"Zu Tisch" - The Gastro Talk: Making Start-ups Successful

In this new format on YouTube (and on all podcast platforms), Thomas Beers, CEO of ABConcepts, talks about current topics in the wholesale catering industry. This time with Kyra Thiele, Head of Bonsai Sales & Food Service, among other things about how we at Bonsai support start-ups to get off to a successful start in gastronomy and wholesale.

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Is inflation becoming a brand killer for pharmacy products?

Bonsai Health today published the latest figures from Bonsai ApoVote - the representative survey of pharmacists in Germany. The first result: savings are being made on the subject of health. Exciting for the pharmaceutical companies and for the trade press: 57 percent of pharmacists say that their customers ask more often for cheaper product alternatives. In these cases, the manufacturers' advertising investments pay more to the category than to the brand.

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