Bonsai - Inquiring: Quotes from consumers

To really understand consumers, we follow an almost revolutionary concept at Bonsai Lab : listen, listen, ask, listen again. And because a personal statement sometimes says more than 1,000 numbers, we always let you listen in on what people have to say in our studies.

How important will the car be for you in the future?

For some a symbol of freedom, for others a climate killer: the car. The nuances are very exciting, the reflections that show how much people are concerned about the topic of "mobility of the future. Take a listen.

What influence do online reviews have on your purchase decision?

Online reviews are becoming increasingly important for consumers. Even though many are aware that such ratings can be manipulated, they are an important criterion in the purchase decision - for some even the most important.

What do you understand by fast fashion? And what role does "fast" fashion play when you buy clothes

Consumers live in the area of tension between sustainable, qualitative fashion and low-priced trend fashion. And they do buy fast fashion, albeit increasingly with a guilty conscience.

To what extent do the rising prices influence you?

How people deal with rising prices differently. What they save on and what they don't - that is the topic of episode 5 of our series "Bonsai Nachgehakt".

How do you invest your money and do you know ETFs?

How differently people deal with the topic of finances - that is the topic of episode 4 of our series "Bonsai Nachgehakt".

What role does social media advertising play for you?

In the current episode, consumers tell us how they perceive advertising on Instagram, TikTok & Co. And: What inspires them to buy products they hear about on social media?

What does health mean to you?

The second episode of "Bonsai - Nachgehakt" is all about health.

How does Corona influence your consumption behaviour?

In the first episode of "Bonsai - Nachgehakt" we asked: "How has Corona changed your consumption behaviour?"

You want to know more about the work of the Bonsai-Lab?

Please contact Alexandra von Cukrowicz or Ina Komischke directly. Or get a brief overview here: