A major interview in the magazine Markenartikel with Kim Haußer, Prof. Peter Wippermann (both Bonsai Future) and Dr. Hannes Fernow (GIM) deals with the question of how brands can deal with the rapid changes of today - and how trend and future research can support them in doing so.
Read moreThe Bonsai Pharmacy Sales Survey shows that over-the-counter and OTC manufacturers are not really rated well by pharmacists:inside. Just two examples: The recommendation rates leave much to be desired and a large part of the advertising materials lands unused in the garbage. In an interview with Healthcare Marketing, Bettina Mertens-Danowski, Head of Bonsai Health, explains what the manufacturers can do most effectively.
Read moreHolger Geißler from marktforschung.de spoke with CEO Jens Krüger about the further development of Bonsai Research, the integration of the many new colleagues who came on board this year, the challenges posed by Corona and what lies behind the formula Bonsai = Data + x. More about the "new" Bonsai - and the complete interview on marktforschung.de:
Read moreTo really understand consumers, we follow an almost revolutionary concept at Bonsai Lab: listen, listen, ask, listen again. And because a personal statement sometimes says more than 1,000 numbers, from now on we will let you listen in on what people have to say in our studies every month. In original sound. Episode 2: What does health mean to you?
Read moremarktforschung.de asked. Jens Krüger (Bonsai) and Sebastian Sorger (Norstat) answered. And what is Jens Krüger's marketing hack to inspire customers in times of Corona? The same as usual: "See. Understand. Do. We should be able to do that ;-)".
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