"The word bonsai means landscape in a bowl."

Bonsai Research tests on a small scale what must work on a large scale.


Our roots are in the test market.
As retail and shopper experts, we are grounded.

As brand and innovation specialists, we grow with our clients.

Bonsai was founded in 2004 as a specialist for test markets, analytics, mystery and shopper research. In these areas, we are still researching on a small scale what has to work on a large scale - the national and international markets. In 15 years of close cooperation with retailers and manufacturers, Bonsai has developed from a media test market into an experimental platform for new ideas.

We optimise products, prices, packs and promotions.

We accompany innovations - from concept development to product launch and market success. Today, our portfolio ranges from regular market observations (tracking, social media analyses), innovative brand and advertising impact research, strategic CX research to qualitative (trend) research in the lab or as a community.



We monitor market, media and sales figures - in e-commerce as well as in stationary trade. We analyse marketing measures comprehensively - from classic advertising to POS.

Bonsai Media & Analytics

Bonsai Mystery Shopping

Bonsai Test Market & Sales Support

Bonsai Public

Bonsai Health



We research what really moves people and what this means for the entire customer journey. We investigate the
dynamics in different markets as well as the influences of marketing and media mix on buying behaviour.

Bonsai Lab

Bonsai Shopper Research

Bonsai Strategy

Bonsai Public

Bonsai Health

Bonsai Media & Analytics



We develop ideas for new products and services; optimise marketing and media mix. We support our clients on the way to the trade and to the customer and help to improve placement and perception.

Bonsai Test Market & Sales Support

Bonsai Category Management

Bonsai Strategy 

Bonsai Media & Analytics


What fascinates us

Understanding what moves people and using this knowledge to perhaps not change the world, but at least to launch products and services for a better future. To develop innovations together with consumers. To cooperate not only with real people to gain new insights, but also with partners who fit in with us - because they are just as fascinated by what they do as we are. 


Our partner companies


We also sell Bonsai trees

You find that strange? To be honest: so do we. We owe this somewhat bizarre part of our portfolio to a decision by the Bremen District Court from the founding days of the company. Our company name was misleading, they said; one had to assume that Bonsai Germany sold Bonsai trees. A medium shock - because full of verve we had already had communication materials printed. All attempts to convince us failed until an emotional conversation led to the sentence: "Then - in God's name - we will sell Bonsai trees. "The prompt reply:" Then you can also use the name. To this day, two business purposes of Bonsai are stipulated in the commercial register and the shareholders' agreement: Market research and sale of Bonsai trees! Please contact us to order your personal Bonsai tree.