Is this real market research, or can it go away?

If even renowned journalists like Markus Lanz spread misinformation about market research on TV, how is it supposed to be properly understood by the general population? Bonsai-In his new column on, CEO Jens Krüger asks how the market research industry should deal with the apparent lack of understanding of the concept of representativeness.

The "democratization" of market research is already well underway. With a SurveyMonkey account and lots of questions in mind, we're off. "That would be like ordering a scalpel from Amazon with us and bravely taking on our neighbor's appendix. Competence illusion!", says Jens Krüger

And the fact that real market research needs at least 1,000 interviews - better more - has become the generally valid and recognized quality formula - by which the wheat is separated from the chaff. Or good market research from bad. With fatal consequences, as Jens Krüger finds.