The food of the future is being created in Hamburg - we are part of it
Snapshot between tastings & information tidbits - the opening ceremony.
Food Harbour Hamburg opened this week in the Hanseatic city - with a large contingent from politics and business. In the future, next-generation foods will be developed, tested and brought to market in the Food Harbor. Bonsai Research is a partner in the project.
f.l. Four of the five founders: Sebastian Heinz, Philipp Stradtmann, with Senator for Economic Affairs Michael Westhagemann (center), Jochen Matzer and Stefanie Ostendorf
Innovative Food Products Made in Hamburg
Hamburg's Senator for Economic Affairs, Michael Westhagemann, put it in a nutshell: "Food Harbour Hamburg is a special project of the future Food Cluster Hamburg, because it forms the home port for many food start-ups and medium-sized companies to develop food of a new generation," the Senator emphasized: "This is how new and innovative products are to be created, and raw materials of the future are to be created out of Hamburg."
Support from formulation to marketing
A first impression of this was already given at the opening party - tastings included. "We see ourselves as accelerators of innovative processes because we provide assistance in all phases from recipe to marketing," says Sebastian Heinz, one of the two managing directors (the second is Jochen Matzer). External resources such as test kitchens, equipment, and photo studios are available to companies here at favorable conditions - building up their own resources would consume exorbitant investments.
Patrick Bühr and Steffen Zeller announce the partnership of Rügenwalder Mühle with Food Harbour.
Not only for start-ups: Rügenwalder becomes a partner
The Food Harbour is not only a supporter of start-ups, but also exciting for established companies. At the opening, Patrick Bühr (Head of Research and Development) and Robert Zeller (Chief Marketing Officer) from Rügenwalder Mühle explained why their company is a partner of the new institution in Future Food.
And what does that have to do with Bonsai ?
Our impressions from the Food Harbour opening
Stefan Feldmeier and Michaela Thielen from Bonsai at the Food Harbour opening.
Quite a lot: On the one hand, we support through research with our test market portfolio and our Bonsai Lab. On the other hand, we bring new products (not only from start-ups) to retailers and restaurants with our sales unit Bonsai Sales & Food Service. "Right now - in uncertain times - experimentation and data-driven sales are more important than ever," says Bonsai CEO Jens Krüger: " It's not enough to rely on gut feeling alone."
Bonsai will be close by as a partner of Food Harbour Hamburg in the future - and also get involved and do research directly at Billstrasse 114. Co-creation will then take place in the midst of the flexible development and production environment for new products - and thus receive yet another new, additional component.
"We look forward to providing consumer insights to the companies that will be developing products here," said Alexandra von Cucrowicz, Head of Bonsai Lab.
Our VR glasses in use at the Food Harbour - with a surprisingly "real" shopping experience.
At the opening of the Food Harbour, we had our VR glasses in our luggage - to show that virtual reality in shopper research today is almost "research in real life". The quasi "real" shopping experiences with the glasses surprised some participants and were more than positive.