Call for vaccination! 150 brands are changing their claims. So are we.

Brands against Corona: Germany needs a vaccination initiative! 150 major brands have joined forces and are changing their well-known claims. From "Square. Practical. Geimpft" to "Freude am Impffen" and "Have a break, have a pieks" to "Dann geh doch zum Impffen". Great initiative by the Mercedes lead agency Antoni. Inspired us to turn "SEE. UNDERSTAND. MAKE." into something new

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The "new" Bonsai - Interview at

Holger Geißler from spoke with CEO Jens Krüger about the further development of Bonsai Research, the integration of the many new colleagues who came on board this year, the challenges posed by Corona and what lies behind the formula Bonsai = Data + x. More about the "new" Bonsai - and the complete interview on

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Young target group - research beyond stereotypes

The GenZ is also pigeonholed and pressed into buzzwords. The desire to describe young consumers in simple stereotypes and key figures has so far survived every generational change - including that from the so-called Generation Chillstand to Generation Greta. Ina Komischke, Client Partner Bonsai Lab, pleads for differentiated, qualitative target group research in the current issue of planning&analysis.

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After the pandemic is before the next problem

In the new Sales Magazine, Thomas Hoch, Head of Brand Strategy at Bonsai, has drawn up a 10-point programme for emotional brand management. Because between the end of the world and "business as usual" lies the "new normal". It's about shaping this new normal - for consumers as well as for brands. And that can be really fun. Really now? Really now!

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Get to the cream pots - half of men have an affinity for cosmetics

Katharina Hartwich (Cosnova) and Alexandra von Cukrowicz (Bonsai) presented the innovative men's cosmetics study: "How we got men to talk about beauty" at Qual360. As part of the qualitative WhatsApp survey, the participants photographed their beauty products, among other things, and thus provided not only numbers and statements, but also special insights into Detschland's bathroom. More about the study and the method will be available on Thursday at Succeet2021 in Munich and here:

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They (not) just want to play: How Petlando conquers the pet market

The end consumers are animal demanding. Mistresses and masters are the target group, the pet shop the only customer. Petlando is rolling up the pet supplies market with innovative products. Without an online shop of its own. CX expert and Petlando marketing director Dr Peter Pirner reports in the current Bonsai sales magazine how Petlando is conquering market shares.

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Bonsai and go2market - Reports on the cooperation and the first study

Our new cooperation with the innovative test supermarket go2market is the topic of "markenartikel" and "", among others. With RAWBITE, the fruit-nut bar from the Bahlsen Group, the first study has also just started. What we can offer in cooperation with go2market - and how RAWBITE tests with the new tool ...

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QVC Future Study Next Home: The Home Becomes a Control Centre

The pandemic has accelerated the change to virtual everyday life as if in fast motion. This is also changing our homes. The QVC future study "Next Home - How will Germany live the day after tomorrow?" shows that many things will remain and change in the way we live in the future. Because in 2040, our home will be an all-rounder, a place for retreat and departure in equal measure.

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RAWBITE tests with Bonsai in go2market

Yesterday, the fruit and nut bar RAWBITE launched its first trial with Bonsai Research in Cologne's go2market, a test supermarket for product launches, relaunches and optimisations. RAWBITE is the first client to use the new go2market module of the Bonsai Launch Pad - our toolbox for exploring the opportunities of new launches and potential changes to established products. How does this work and what do we do for RAWBITE?

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New trainees at Bonsai - a piece of new normality

After a difficult year for the start of professional life - training is only conditionally suitable for home office - we are also arriving at this topic in the New Normal: On 1 September, two newcomers, Johanna Pickhard and Anders Öden, started their training as market and social research assistants (FAMS). An occasion for Jens Krüger to reflect on the job description of FAMS, which has already changed significantly in the 15 years since the introduction of the training profession.

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Market Research Week - what Bonsai offers

Bonsai Research presents exciting research approaches in four events at Market Research Week: We decode the Path to Purchase anew and present how we intelligently combine qualitative research and metering. We show what companies gain from researching the context that shapes people in all walks of life and why CX is less about the "right" software and more about the effective use of the "right" data.

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Do something different - in marketing

Customer experience is no longer enough, it has to be total customer experience. The logic of the increase alone makes it clear: investments are being made here. Millions are invested in software, systems, artificial intelligence and ultimately also in human intelligence in the form of personnel. At the same time, marketing seems more bland than ever. Why is that actually the case? Jens Krüger asks - and gives suggestions on how things could be different in Bonsai Sales-Magazin.

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Nadja Hilse joins the Bonsai Lab as of today

planning & analysis reports today: "The team building at Bonsai Research continues - this time the Bonsai Lab, the qualitative research of Bonsai, gets new support: Nadja Hilse as a Client Partner. The experienced semiotician and specialist for cultural insights analyses will take on a cross-sectional function between innovation research, brand strategy and consulting.

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Single source study on confectionery starts in the pre-Christmas season

Christmas is here again in the food retail sector. Just in time for the start of the season, the large confectionery pilot study will soon be launched with our new panel partner Gemius. We collect and analyse the receipts (shopping behaviour), the online behaviour (tracking data) and the purchase motives (through surveys) of confectionery shoppers. Interested in participating?

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Balancing advertising investments with the customer journey

Jens Krüger, CEO of Bonsai, comments in New Business magazine on the significant growth in the digital display advertising market and the upwardly revised forecast for 2021. For Jens Krüger, the fact that the market will pass the €5 billion mark this year is clearly the result of changing customer journeys in a number of important industries.

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CX - explaining the world - Jens Krüger's column

Bonsai CEO Jens Krüger has been dealing with the topic of customer experience even more intensively than usual in recent weeks and months. Today his column "CX - the explanation of the world. Or what is it actually about?" at A few days ago, the magazine "Sales" for Friends & Family from Bonsai and myEnso came out with a complete issue on the topic of CX.

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