Posts tagged with Marketing
Do something different - in marketing

Customer experience is no longer enough, it has to be total customer experience. The logic of the increase alone makes it clear: investments are being made here. Millions are invested in software, systems, artificial intelligence and ultimately also in human intelligence in the form of personnel. At the same time, marketing seems more bland than ever. Why is that actually the case? Jens Krüger asks - and gives suggestions on how things could be different in Bonsai Sales-Magazin.

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CX - explaining the world - Jens Krüger's column

Bonsai CEO Jens Krüger has been dealing with the topic of customer experience even more intensively than usual in recent weeks and months. Today his column "CX - the explanation of the world. Or what is it actually about?" at A few days ago, the magazine "Sales" for Friends & Family from Bonsai and myEnso came out with a complete issue on the topic of CX.

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Bonsai Lab - for all those who want to dare to think outside the box again

The Bonsai Lab brings together all relevant stakeholders needed to work creatively and result-oriented - experts, consumers, retail partners. We combine data, forecasts, in-depth analysis with social media and community research in a holistic co-creation process. More about this in the new video.

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