Bonsai and go2market - Reports on the cooperation and the first study

Our new cooperation with the innovative test supermarket go2market is the subject of articles in "markenartikel" and on "". With RAWBITE, the fruit and nut bar of the Bahlsen Group, the first study by Bonsai Research has just started in go2market.

The cooperation complements Bonsai 's portfolio for product launches and product optimisation in German retail. "With go2market, we can offer our clients tests at an early stage of product launches and relaunches that representatively show how consumers react to the innovations," says Stefan Feldmeier, Member of the Board at Bonsai Research, in "markenartikel".

To the report in the "markenartikel

First study by Bonsai and go2market for RAWBITE

A trial in the Cologne test supermarket has already started: RAWBITE is the first client to use the go2market module of the Bonsai Launch Pad - our toolbox with which we explore the opportunities of new launches and possible changes to established products.
