The audio marketer RMS shows in a current case study how audio advertising makes people want to buy Jever Fun. Highlight of the Bonsai study: the willingness to buy Jever Fun "soon" increased significantly among the listeners of the commercial. In mixed contacts (audio and moving image as well as online), the respondents' willingness to buy tripled.
Read moreThe customer experience in the "new normal" is an enormous concern for advertisers, agencies and retailers. That's why it is the main topic of the new issue of Sales Magazine, which we publish together with myEnso and New Business Verlag. What awaits you in the hot-off-the-press issue - here's an insight:
Read moreBonsai Research is the exclusive institute partner of the panel provider Gemius from 1.9.2021. This means that media usage and purchase data are collected from one and the same person (single source). All websites visited and the advertising contacts there (including the walled garden) are tracked. Shoppers scan their purchases via the Bonsai app on their smartphone.
Read moreYes, sustainability is important for companies. But it is not everything. The topic even annoys many, especially young consumers. How companies "properly" become (and communicate) sustainable - that's what we'll be talking about on Thursday at the planning&analysis Insights Congress with Helge Carstens, Market Research Manager New Business at Merck KGaA.
Read moreHow would it be if an artificial intelligence could answer one of the most important questions in advertising effectiveness research at the push of a button, namely: What needs of people are triggered by exactly this one advertising medium, this one image that a brand sends out? Sounds good? It is. And it already works.
Read moreThis week we present a series of Bonsai news in the context of the planning&analysis Insights Congress. Today we start with something "sweet": We show how we accompanied the start-up guteseis from test market to market. And that's why you can test the really "sucky" ice cream from guteseis at our stand at Insights 2021 and the HORIZONT Advertising Effectiveness Summit.
Read moreIn the current issue of planning&analysis, our qualitative expert Alexandra von Cukrowicz and Felix Tiede from Bilendi report on their new men's cosmetics study. The highlight: The qualitative survey of cosmetics users and non-users was conducted via WhatsApp, the favourite messenger of German citizens.
Read moreCompanies and brands have to react: What do they want and need to stand for in the future? What is relevant to people now? Which strategy is the right one? That's the topic of the FaceClub on 8 July at 6 pm. With Bonsai brand strategist Thomas Hoch, innovation expert Alexandra von Cukrowicz and CEO Jens Krüger.
Read moreCreatives sometimes cultivate their prejudices against market research, which supposedly sets them limits and "shoots down" the best ideas. In the New Business Podcast, Thomas Hoch (Head of NeedScope & Brand Strategy at Bonsai) and Walter Freese (Director Business Development at Interrogare) thoroughly dispel this prejudice and talk about how market research can support creatives.
Read morePlanning & Analysis reports on another new addition to Bonsai. Jan Borcherding joins the Strategy Team as Head of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). The CR expert comes from Kantar, where he advised and supported well-known clients on the topic of corporate reputation management for years.
Read moreBiFi and RMS wanted to know: What is the impact of a brand-building radio spot - without any price discount or promotion? One result from the Bonsai test market NRW: sales of BiFi Roll increased by 16 per cent as a result of the campaign. The increase in sales was particularly high at petrol stations, the location of one of the tested spots.
Read moreHow sustainable will the sustainability trend affect the beauty industry? What innovative possibilities can retailers use to offer cosmetics customers new shopping experiences? Why do beauty products need purpose and how important is self-care? At Bonsai@VKE-Campus, cosmetics companies were given new impulses - by Jasmin Pampuch (Bonsai) and Marco Burkhardtsmayer (MuSe).
Read moreAlexandra von Cukrowicz is now head of qualitative research at Bonsai Research - this was reported today by Planung&Analyse (P&A). The Bonsai Lab is already the fifth area that Bonsai Research is significantly expanding as part of the "Data + X" 2021 strategy - after Bonsai Strategy, CX & Mystery Research, Media & Analytics and Shopper Research.
Read moreUnder this title, reports that we have acquired the German licence for NeedScope from Kantar: "With the licence, part of the Brand Strategy team from Kantar will also switch to Bonsai on 1 April 2021: Thomas Hoch, Manuel Otte and Joachim Odendahl." Unilever, Mondeléz, Samsung and Google, among others, work with the emotion measurement tool.
Read moreBonsai Research has moved into larger, great offices in Hamburg. Despite the home office, we simply needed more space for our new colleagues. We found it in Theodorstraße in the listed building ensemble "Westend Village". Neo-Renaissance meets 21st century.
Read moreBonsai is now also expanding its Shopper Research division. As of today, Martina Heise is strengthening the department as a Client Partner. At the same time, Bonsai colleague Jasmin Pampuch is taking over as head of the department. This means that ad hoc shopper research at Bonsai has a new, powerful duo.
Read more"Why qualitative research in particular is struggling so much in the context of other disciplines despite Covid-19 - and why a look at UX helps to understand what is currently lacking. Maybe at least." This topic is commented on by Bonsai CEO Jens Krüger in his column on
Read moreBonsai is a new supporting member of the VKE cosmetics association, where Jens Krüger was already active as an advisory board member. In a current expert article, the Bonsai-CEO deals with the question of how companies in the beauty segment can successfully react to megatrends such as individualisation, sustainability and ethical consumption.
Read moreBonsai expands media and advertising impact research..: Michael Voß started work today at the market research specialist Bonsai . As a Client Partner, he strengthens the Media & Analytics division. Michael Voß was previously at Kantar, where as Associate Director Media Research he managed projects for media marketers in particular.
Read moreSabine Hedwig Mohr writes in planning&analysis about the new developments at Bonsai: "Customer Experience and the Bonsai Lab are being strengthened. Further acquisitions are announced". reports on Bonsai: "The most advanced so far is the further development of the Customer Experience/Mystery Research division."
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