Young target group - research beyond stereotypes

The GenZ is also pigeonholed and pressed into buzzwords. The desire to describe young consumers in simple stereotypes and key figures has unfortunately survived every generational change so far - including the one from the so-called Generation Chillstand to Generation Greta. Ina Komischke, Client Partner Bonsai Lab, pleads for differentiated, qualitative target group research in planning&analysis.

The current issue of the trade magazine planning&analysis devotes its focus to the topic of target group research - especially the research of young consumers. In her expert article, Ina Komischke shows on the one hand how versatile the young target group is, which also - but not only - consists of committed climate protectors. On the other hand, she sets out a 5-point programme for modern, differentiated target group research.

The exciting issue with the article by Ina Komischke (pp. 50-52) is available from Deutscher Fachverlag as an e-journal under the following link: