RMS Wirkungscase makes Jever Fun fun

The audio marketer RMS shows in a current case study how audio advertising makes people want to buy Jever Fun. Highlight of the Bonsai study: the willingness to buy Jever Fun "soon" increased significantly among the listeners of the spot. In mixed contacts (audio and moving image as well as online), the respondents' willingness to buy tripled. In the run-up to the campaign for the alcohol-free Jever Fun, the spot had been tested with the AudioAnalyzer - and was well received. 

The success of the audio campaign was investigated by Bonsai Research on behalf of RMS. The media effects were recorded after recognition, i.e. after contact with the campaign. To analyse the impact of the Jever Fun campaign, 2,065 people aged between 30 and 55 were interviewed in the test area of North Rhine-Westphalia. The survey took into account TV, online moving images, out of home, social media and audio. Among the respondents who remembered the audio spot, not only the likeability scores but also the willingness to buy increased significantly. The campaign not only activated existing Jever Fun customers, but was also able to convince previous non-buyers.   

Fun Fact about Jever Fun - for the 30th anniversary

Jever Fun just celebrated its 30th birthday - and with it its journey from a niche product to one of the nation's leading non-alcoholic beers. On the occasion of the anniversary, it is revealed: The Jever brewmasters were initially anything but enthusiastic about the task of developing a non-alcoholic counterpart to their Frisian-harsh pilsner. One that would then also quite blatantly bear the brand sender "Jever" on the label. "That sounds quite natural today, but it was by no means," says Jever's managing director Michael Reitze: "Back then, anyone who had a non-alcoholic beer in their range was happy to do so under a different name. Otherwise, they feared damage to the image of the alcoholic original.
