Bonsai reorganises the Shopper Research division
Bremen/Hamburg, 1.3.2021. Another new arrival at the market research specialist Bonsai: Martina Heise joins the Shopper Research division as Client Partner as of today. At the same time, Bonsai colleague Jasmin Pampuch will take over as head of the department. This means that ad hoc shopper research at Bonsai has a new, powerful duo.
"Shopper behaviour has not only changed due to Covid-19; the entire path to purchase, whether digital or analogue, is much more fragmented today. This is where ad hoc research is gaining importance - especially in combination with behavioural data from passive metering, for example," says Stefan Feldmeier, Member of the Executive Board at Bonsai. "We are glad to have Martina Heise on board, a proven shopper expert who has already successfully decoded shopper behaviour with many national and international clients." Martina Heise comes from Kantar, where she held a similar position and was responsible for shopper research, especially in cooperation with clients from the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and Pharma/OTC sectors.
"I am excited about the new possibilities at Bonsai to combine survey data with behavioural and sales data. In other words, to decipher both - the customer's path to purchase and their changing needs as well as the purchase itself and thus the retailer side," adds Martina Heise. "This is an enrichment for my work and for our customers and an exciting development task."
Bonsai is using the new addition to reorganise the business areas. Jasmin Pampuch - whose focus was previously on Bonsai test market - is taking over as head of Shopper Research as of today. "With this, we will now really rock ad hoc research," says Stefan Feldmeier.
The two current personnel appointments and the structural adjustments are part of the growth strategy of Bonsai. The areas of Customer Experience & Mystery Research, Analytics & Media and the Bonsai Lab (Qualitative Research) have already been strengthened (see Press release from 26.01.2021). Preparations are currently underway for further expansion - both in terms of personnel and content through new tools.
In Hamburg, Bonsai Research is moving into new, larger offices next week:
Hamburg location - New address from 8.3.2021: Bonsai GmbH, Theodorstraße 42-49, Haus 6b,22761 Hamburg
(Contact details otherwise remain unchanged).