Posts tagged with Fritz Classen
Value index update 2022/1: What the press reports

We had already informed you about the "new" values index. According to it, health, freedom and family are the values that people are most concerned about. Today we summarise what the media are reporting about the largest social media study on social change. And how the values index can be used operationally in companies.

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The New Values Index - What the Project Confidence Means

Values Index Update 2022/1 - Project Confidence. Jens Krüger and Alisa Heinl (Bonsai), Ulrich Köhler and Fiorella Frank (Trendbüro) and Björn Welzel and Jonas Michels (Fritz Classen) present the new Values Index - more up-to-date, faster and bigger than ever before. The largest social media study on social change shows: Health, freedom and family are the values that people are most concerned about.

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Bonsai meets Fritz Classen - Consumer Segmentation 2020

Bonsai combines the Values Index with a value-based segmentation. What insights the linking of the largest social media analysis with a modern consumer classification offers - and what is behind the idea and the cooperation with the strategy consultancy Fritz Classen.

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