Value index update 2022/1: What the press reports
Press reports on the Value Index Update 2022-1 (examples)
We had already informed you about the "new" values index and the first update of the year 2022(More about the presentation in Hamburg). According to the index, health, freedom and family are the values that people are most concerned about.
Today we give a brief overview of what the media is reporting about the largest social media study on social change.
While the daily newspapers (e.g. Neue Westfälische and Rheinsiche Post) mostly dealt with the value ranking and the development of the three most important values, the trade press reported more extensively and in more detail on the trends, but also on the method:
planning & analysis: Report on the Value Index update - Results
planning & analysis: Interview with Jens Krüger - How the value index can be used operationally