Entries in Bonsai Strategy
Bonsai Research continues to grow - with colleagues from ISM Global Dynamics

Bonsai Research is now taking over proven methods, models and staff from ISM Global Dynamics. Bonsai is thus closing a final gap to become a full-service provider in market research. Prof. Dirk Frank becomes Head of Bonsai Strategy. With him, ten colleagues from ISM move to Bonsai. The majority of former ISM clients will continue their cooperation under the Bonsai umbrella.

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How Germany thinks and feels: Freedom is the most important value again after ten years!

Under the title "Values Index Update 2022-2 - Between Freedoms," the first results of the largest social media study on social developments are being published today in advance. People's longing for ease and freedom has grown enormously in permanent crisis mode. The problem: The pursuit of individual freedoms threatens to divide our society. The new Values Index, the largest social media study on social change, shows: Freedom, health and family are the values that people are most concerned about. For the 9th Values Index, almost seven million posts on social media were analyzed with the help of AI after the start of the war in Ukraine.

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"Creativity as a success factor" makes the difference for companies

Creative companies are demonstrably more successful, according to the new study "Success Factor Creativity". The study's central question: What do creative companies do differently from others? "Success Factor Creativity" is the first study in Germany to measure what effect business creativity has on companies in competition. The study is published by the Hirschen Group and Bonsai Research - supported by Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland e.V. (WJD).

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The new Values Index: How Germany thinks and feels

Under the title "Values Index Update 2022/1 - Project Confidence", the new evaluation of the largest social media study on social developments is published today. The current values index shows: Health, freedom and family are the values that people are most concerned about. Last year, a total of 18,825,145 social media posts were evaluated with the help of artificial intelligence - more than ever before. However, the "new" values index is also not a study of large numerical orgies: rather, the results are used to interpret the change in values, to detect new trends and to find concrete examples of how companies, politics and society are already changing and will have to change in the future.

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