Bonsai Research publishes the largest social media study on social change "Values Index 1/25 Psycho-Reality": Society is polarizing like never before. Filter bubbles lead to individual realities that not only determine political opinion-forming and voting behavior, but also consumption. At an online forum for companies and interested media representatives on March 7, 2025, Bonsai Research will show how marketing must react to the new psycho-realities.
Read moreUnder the title "Values Index Update 2022-2 - Between Freedoms," the first results of the largest social media study on social developments are being published today in advance. People's longing for ease and freedom has grown enormously in permanent crisis mode. The problem: The pursuit of individual freedoms threatens to divide our society. The new Values Index, the largest social media study on social change, shows: Freedom, health and family are the values that people are most concerned about. For the 9th Values Index, almost seven million posts on social media were analyzed with the help of AI after the start of the war in Ukraine.
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