Bonsai Research

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Many OTC manufacturers have an image problem with pharmacies

The Bonsai Pharmacy Sales Survey shows that over-the-counter and OTC manufacturers are not really rated well by pharmacists:inside. Just two examples: The recommendation rates leave much to be desired and a large part of the advertising materials lands unused in the garbage. In an interview with Healthcare Marketing, Bettina Mertens-Danowski, Head of Bonsai Health, explains what the manufacturers can do most effectively.

Bonsai Health's pharmacy panel surveyed the Net Promoter Score for 20 manufacturers - in addition to individual evaluation categories such as company image, sales force performance, training formats and the popularity of POS advertising materials. 256 pharmacists in owner or management positions participated in the August 2022 survey. According to the institute, the sample was representative of retail pharmacies in Germany in terms of location and size.

An excerpt from the interview with Bettina Mertens Danowski

Healthcare Marketing: What does the Net Promoter Score tell manufacturers - compared to a query about whether their own sales force or training is well implemented in and of itself?

Bettina Mertens-Danowski: The willingness to recommend, which the NPS expresses, is an important indicator of satisfaction and loyalty. You could also call it a 'relationship indicator'. The NPS works on a meta-level. If you relate it to individual aspects such as field service, training offers, liking of promo material, you can work out which of these is important for a good relationship - i.e. a positive NPS.