Launch of Bonsai Future - media response

Kim Haußer and Prof. Peter Wippermann (both formerly of Trendbüro) are continuing the successful Bonsai future studies at Bonsai Future and launching new projects. To this end, Bonsai Research has founded its own unit, Bonsai Future, and is further expanding the Foresight division. This news was widely reported in the trade press.

The magazine Branded articles reports: "Bonsai Research, Bremen/Hamburg, wants to expand its future research. The new unit Bonsai Future was founded for this purpose. Kim Haußer and Prof. Peter Wippermann were also brought on board on March 1, 2024. They will continue the future studies of Bonsai Research and launch new projects together with Bonsai CEO Jens Krüger.

New Business writes: "The demand for futurology has grown noticeably in recent years - in view of the rapid pace of change, companies need reliable information more than ever about how which parameters will influence our future. Against this backdrop, Jens Krüger, CEO of Bonsai Research in Hamburg, has decided to launch Bonsai Future as a new unit (...) Bonsai-Research CEO Jens Krüger: "With Kim Haußer and Prof. Peter Wippermann, we are now bringing the successful collaboration between Bonsai Research and Trendbüro directly into our company. What sets us apart from other offers on the market? At Bonsai Future, we combine qualitative and quantitative research work with strategic consulting."

"Bonsai Research has brought Kim Haußer and Prof. Peter Wippermann (both formerly of Trendbüro) on board and is thus further expanding its futurology with its own unit Bonsai Future," reports planning & analysis"The foresight area at the institute Bonsai Research is thus to be further expanded. The proactive approach is intended to go beyond mere forecasting, emphasizes Kim Haußer: "We offer certainty of orientation in rapidly developing and changing markets and support companies in making qualified decisions about opportunities and challenges." focuses on the personnel details and quotes Jens Krüger: "With Kim Haußer and Prof. Peter Wippermann, we are now bringing the successful collaboration between Bonsai Research and Trendbüro directly into our company." And further: Kim Haußer is Head of Bonsai Future. Prof. Peter Wippermann will help drive forward the new Bonsai Future unit as a consultant.