Bonsai Research

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Value index 1/25: People are increasingly living in their subjective reality

The new Bonsai Values Index, the largest long-term social media study on social change, has been published. First results of the Values Index 1/25 Psycho-Reality: Society is polarizing like never before. Filter bubbles lead to individual realities that determine the formation of political opinion as well as consumption. Many media report on this - the following is a selection with links to the respective articles:

Markenartikel, the magazine for brand management, quotes Kim Haußer, Head of Bonsai Future, on the question of what the value index offers companies: "If you want to establish and manage a brand today, you need clarity about which narratives and subjective realities determine consumption and consumer attitudes in which environment and in which target group". The planung & analyse newsletter summarizes the impression of the value index editors Jens Krüger and Prof. Peter Wippermann as follows: "What is perceived and taken to be true is what is liked: Volodymyr Selensky is a dictator, Donald Trump was chosen by God and Adolf Hitler was a leftist: well-intentioned and sometimes well-made fact checks - whether on economic figures, crime or climate - come to nothing." The online business magazine Eumeniden reports on the most discussed values in social media: "Freedom, security and success - these three values are currently the most important. Not only are they most frequently discussed online, they are also more controversial and extreme than ever before." And New Business analyzes the results and shows the background to the values index: "For 25 years now, Hamburg trend researcher Prof. Peter Wippermann and Bonsai Jens Krüger have been compiling the values index, which provides an overview of how Germans think and feel. For the current edition, which the publishers would like to see as an update, 18,538,287 posts that people made on social media in the period from January 1, 2024 to January 21, 2025 were analyzed with the help of AI."

The media for the medical and pharmaceutical industry set their own focus in their reporting on the 1/25 Values Index: "The value of health - after years in the top 3 and still the second most frequent topic in posts in 2023 - ranks at the bottom of the top 10 behind the values of family (4th place), community and justice (both 5th place), recognition (6th place) and honesty (7th place)," reports Dental Marketing, the trade magazine for dental brands. And Healthcare Marketing quotes Bonsai Jens Krüger: "In the history of the value index since 2009, no topic has ever lost relevance as quickly as the value of health. The topic has not disappeared - but it has faded into the background in people's echo chambers in the face of multiple crises."

In the online forum on March 7, 2025 from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., we will show how marketing should react to the new findings of the Value Index 1/25: