Finding new fields of innovation for your brand ...

... and how we can make ideation processes more efficient today, also with the help of AI. That was the topic of today's first Innovation Journey webinar from Bonsai Research. Alexandra von Cukrowizc and Prof. Dirk Frank showed how this also works today in the context of Growth Potential studies. For all who missed it: We recorded it for you, of course (see below).

And we cordially invite you to join us live at the next events.

Topics and dates

10.20.2023, 9.30 a.m.

Quickly test concepts, packaging and prices - with the Bonsai benchmark database

Evelyn Kiepfer and Margareta Koch

10/27/2023, 9:30 AM

Early potential estimates also for completely new products and categories - and new, real and virtual test market formats

Stefan Feldmeier and Prof. Dirk Frank