Technologies and solutions that outlast the crisis
The current QVC study "New Normal: How does Germany live in the post-Corona world?" by Trendbüro and Bonsai Research develops five theses for life after the Covid 19 crisis.
The Corona pandemic seems like a time-lapse for social change. But which new technologies and everyday solutions will outlast the state of emergency? The editors of the study have developed the following five theses:
1 New Me: The net becomes empathetic
2 New Healthstyle: Selfcare beats self-optimisation
3 New Work: Merging Private Life & Job
4 New Shopping: Shopping becomes a fan event
5 New Purpose: What creates meaning remains
What lies behind the trends and which results of the study underpin the individual theses is shown in the summary of the 5 theses of New Normal: How does Germany live in the post-Corona world?
In an interview with the trade magazine planung & analyse, Jens-Krüger, CEO of Bonsai, classifies the results of the study. Link to the article