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Ask BonsAI: Launch event for the new marketing AI with data from 20 million online users

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Rotkäppchen-Mumm Trend Study 2024: How the culture of enjoyment is changing

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Value Index 1/25 Online Forum on March 7: How marketing must respond to the new, subjective realities.

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German Donation Monitor 2024 meets with broad media response: More money for a good cause!

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Value index - the online forum

Values index 1/25 Psycho-reality: Society is polarizing like never before. Filter bubbles lead to individual realities that not only determine the formation of political opinion but also consumption. How companies need to respond.

The personalized worlds of perception have a profound impact on people's everyday lives - especially on their purchasing behaviour: If you want to establish and manage a brand today, you need clarity about which narratives and subjective realities determine consumption and consumer behavior in which environment and in which target group. We will show companies and media representatives how to do this at the
Werteindex online forum on March 7, 2025 from 9.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.

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Bonsai Sales Magazine - Get creative!
The new issue is here.

In the current issue of the magazine by people-understanders for marketing and communication professionals, everything revolves around creativity and innovation. Because creative companies are more successful. Let yourself be inspired by creative companies, people and ideas.

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