Values Index 1/2024: Society more divided than ever before
Excerpt from the report on the value index 1/2024
Preliminary coverage of the largest social media study on changing values was enormous: daily newspapers, trade press and several news portals reported on the Value Index 2024/1: how society is drifting apart and the tone in social media is becoming harsher.
On January 17 at 11 a.m., we will show what companies and institutions can learn from the results of the value index from Bonsai and Trendbüro. We cordially invite you to attend the presentation in person in Hamburg or online:
The value index 1/2024
The "Values Index Update 2024/1 - Attitude", the new evaluation of the largest long-term social media study on social developments, shows that people expect a clear attitude from companies today. A total of around twelve million posts (12,439,351 to be precise) in German-language media were analyzed with the help of AI for the Values Index 01/24.
First trend results of the Values Index 1/2024: "freedom", "health" and "family" are the values that concern people the most. The study also confirms an already "perceived truth": the tone on social media has become harsher - posts have become more emotional and aggressive. And in view of the polycrisis - war, climate, rising costs - people's individual exhaustion is growing: "The resilience that has been much invoked in recent months seems to have been used up," states Jens Krüger, CEO of Bonsai Research: "The fact that 'I am tired' was googled more often than ever last year is symptomatic."