Bonsai Research

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QVC Future Study Next Home: The Home Becomes a Control Centre

The pandemic has accelerated the change to virtual everyday life as if in fast motion. This is also changing our homes. The QVC study "Next Home - How will Germany live the day after tomorrow? In 2040, our home will be an all-rounder, a place for retreat and departure in equal measure.

The study led by trend researcher Prof. Peter Wippermann (Trendbüro) looks into the home of the future. Bonsai provided the representative survey for this.

"With our new QVC Future Study 'Next Home - How will Germany live the day after tomorrow?' we have turned our gaze to our homes, which have changed decisively in recent months," emphasises Mathias Bork, CEO of QVC, on the occasion of the publication on LinkedIn: "We have all had to reorganise ourselves within our own four walls. What of it will remain? And what will continue to shape our lifestyle in the years to come? In this respect, our new study has produced exciting findings." Let yourself be inspired by the results and the ideas for tomorrow's living and lifestyle:

5 theses of the study on the Next Home:

Selfcare + Fitness: The body becomes the most important investment

Mental self-coaching and sleep improvement technologies will be mainstream by 2040. MORE

Digital + Virtual: Technologies become invisible

In the future, digital content and services will no longer be bound to static devices - they will disappear from our perception. MORE

Living + Working: The home becomes the headquarters

From a simple place of residence, the home is transforming into a multifunctional control centre. MORE

Gardening + DIY: Do-it-yourself becomes an analogue counter-trend with meaning

Dealing with haptic things is becoming more important as a balance to digitalised life. DIY and upcycling are becoming mainstream. MORE

Pete + Pampering: Four-legged friends become social partners

With the appreciation for animals, pet pampering will also continue to increase: from vegan food to flavoured drinks. Smart gadgets for the pets: digital remote entertainment, automated play equipment and automatic feeders. MORE

About the study
The current future study is already the fourth one presented by the digital retail company QVC in cooperation with trend researcher Professor Peter Wippermann (Trendbüro). Once again, it sets out five trend theses for the world of tomorrow and is classified by a panel of experts from various disciplines. In addition, Bonsai Research interviewed more than 1,000 people in Germany in a representative online survey about their wishes for the future.

More on the QVC study "New Normal: How is Germany living in the post-Corona world?"