Bonsai Research

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GLORY Payment Report 2024: For the first time, Germans prefer to pay by card rather than cash

Exciting POS trends from the GLORY Payment Report 2024: 60 percent of people now use the option to withdraw cash at the supermarket checkout (last year it was only 44 percent). Card payments have replaced cash as the most popular payment method in Germany for the first time this year. What's more, artificial intelligence would also be in demand in bricks-and-mortar retail: the majority of consumers would like to see digital assistants in stores that make product recommendations, or would at least try them out.

For the GLORY Payment Report consumer study, Bonsai Research surveyed 2,023 people aged between 16 and 64 from Germany, Austria and Switzerland online.

The majority use self-scanning checkouts

More than half of consumers in Germany (51%) find self-service offers such as self-service checkouts important and also use them when they are offered. In Switzerland, the proportion of users is even higher at more than two thirds (70 percent): there, one in five people choose a store specifically based on whether self-service offers are available.

The study "POS Trends 2024: Payment, (Self-) Checkout & (AI) Technology" conducted by Bonsai Research also analyzed consumer attitudes towards digital shopping assistants for the first time. Online shopping shows a high level of acceptance here: around seven out of ten consumers across all countries find it helpful if they are offered additional products that might interest them based on their shopping behavior. In Germany, this figure is the highest at 76%, while in Austria it is the lowest at 69%.

Many people in bricks-and-mortar retail could also imagine such a service: Across all countries, around one in five would find digital assistants helpful or even say they have been waiting for them for a long time. Another third would at least try out the AI-supported helpers.

In addition to the results of the study, the GLORY Payment Report 2024 also highlights the opportunities of the smart, digital POS, automation and artificial intelligence in interviews with retailers and experts. GLORY is making the report available to download free of charge (see below).

For the GLORY Payment Report 2024, Bonsai surveyed 2,023 consumers aged between 16 and 64 in Germany, Switzerland and Austria online. The aim of the Payment, (Self-)Checkout & (AI) Technology study conducted in March 2024 was to gain insights into consumers' shopping and payment behavior.


GLORY is a leading global provider of cash management technologies. As a pioneer in the development of hardware and software for cash processing and associated services, GLORY offers holistic solutions for a resource-saving and efficient payment infrastructure.