Understanding target groups: What makes GenZ tick?

"Decoding target groups" is the cover story of the current issue of "markenartikel". In the magazine for brand management, four target group experts from market research share their expertise on the topic, including Ina Komischke, Client Partner at Bonsai Research. An excerpt:

"GenZ wants to be able to make decisions quickly and satisfactorily and therefore prefers direct and uncomplicated communication. Older generations appreciate more detailed information and have more patience for more complex messages," says Ina Komischke: "In our qualitative studies, we repeatedly see that the GenZ scrutinizes its brand and consumer decisions more closely. They are more aware of the influence they have and often feel better informed than older generations - and in some cases also morally superior. At the same time, and this is then very honestly self-reflected, the formulated, often high demands are not always checked or implemented in actual consumer behavior." The most important thing when communicating with GenZ is to address them personally - "if this can also ease their guilty conscience, all the better." 

An abridged version of the article is available online at markenartikel. The complete analysis can be found in the July issue of the magazine.