OTC manufacturers have an image problem with pharmacists

The new Bonsai OTC pharmacy sales study shows that OTC and over-the-counter manufacturers still have an image problem with pharmacists. For the OTC Pharmacy Sales Study, individual evaluation categories such as company image, sales force performance, training formats and popularity of POS advertising materials as well as the Net Promotor Score (NPS) were surveyed for 20 manufacturers in the Bonsai pharmacy panel.

The NPS sums up the pharmacists' willingness to recommend pharmacies in a single figure and is an important indicator of satisfaction and loyalty. The NPS shows OTC manufacturers where they stand compared to the competition. The results of the individual criteria show which measures the companies can take to significantly improve their position with pharmacies:

What questions does the Bonsai OTC pharmacy sales study answer?

Which OTC/over-the-counter manufacturers are particularly valued?

What is the recommendation rate for individual manufacturers? (NPS)

What is really important for a positive image?

How good is the performance in the Must/ Should/ Could Have aspects?

Who performs how well in the really important aspects?

Who are the best in each case?

How can the NPS be increased on a manufacturer-specific basis?

Who is in contact with most pharmacies via the sales force?

Which field service is good, better, ?

Who gets top marks for field service from their advocates?

Two topics were added to the current study: firstly, the manufacturers' couponing campaigns were evaluated. Secondly, the product samples that the pharmacists received in order to try them out themselves were determined.

280 pharmacists in owner or management positions took part in the study in October 2023. The sample is representative of community pharmacies in Germany in terms of location and size.


Bettina Mertens-Danowski, Head of Bonsai Health


+49 40 6077 681 26