Co-creation for the agriculture of the future

Exciting challenges for the agriculture of the future result in an exciting project for Bonsai. We tackled this topic in a co-creation workshop with the Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft at the end of November.

The background: In 2050, agriculture will have to feed ten billion people while operating in the most climate-friendly way possible, promoting animal welfare and biodiversity and adapting to changing consumer habits.

"We can only solve these challenges through innovation," writes Lea Fliess, Managing Director of Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft, on LinkedIn: "But what does the public think of when we say that? What added value do people recognize in our innovations for themselves or for what is important to them in terms of nutrition and the environment? We at Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft want to find answers to these questions. Our co-creation workshop together with Bonsai Research kicked off yesterday."

We - Alexandra von Cukrowicz (Head of Bonsai Lab) and Jens Krüger (CEO ) - are happy and proud to be able to support and enrich the exciting topic of innovation in agriculture. Alexandra von Cukrowicz "We are delighted with the results, but also with the great feedback from participants at the event and on LinkedIn" (Read more on the LinkedIn profile of Lea Fliess, Managing Director of Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft.