Mewa Trend Study 2022: Sharing Potential Grows

Sharing offers continue to gain in importance - for consumers and for companies in Germany. This is one of the key findings of the "Mewa Trend Study 2022" by Professor Peter Wippermann (Trendbüro) on behalf of the textile service provider Mewa, which surveyed Bonsai .

According to the majority of decision-makers in Germany, the sharing economy model offers many advantages and growth potential - and meets a corresponding need among people.

Three out of four executives want climate-neutral products

Resource conservation and climate protection also set the tone for German executives in other decision-making areas. For example, 82 percent of the corporate executives surveyed agree that products should be climate-neutral in the future.

Consumers rate sustainability issues similarly highly (see chart). Further results:

About Mewa

Mewaversupplies companies throughout Europe with work and protective clothing, cleaning cloths, oil collection mats and floor mats from 46 locations - including care, maintenance, warehousing and logistics. Around 5,700 employees serve more than 190,000 customers from industry, trade, crafts and gastronomy. In 2021, Mewa achieved sales of 770.4 million euros, making it the leader in the textile management segment.

About the survey

For the Mewa trend study "The future role of sharing in a digitally networked society", two representative online surveys were conducted by Bonsai : one with 1,043 Germans aged between 16 and 60, the second with 576 decision-makers from companies.

Bonsai FutureElke Loew