Bonsai Research

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Great response to the Deutsche Bank Standard of Living Study

The newly developed study "Deutsche Bank Standard of Living Index 2023", which was implemented and surveyed by Bonsai Research, met with broad media interest. The Frankfurter Allgemeine, Saarbrücker Zeitung and Südwestpresse, among others, reported on the study. Articles were also published in the trade press ( and the business press (Geldanlagen Nachrichten).

Deutsche Bank summarizes the most important results of the study under the title "This is how satisfied Germans are with their lives"::

- More positive than expected: citizens rate their current standard of living as "still good" (2-), according to the newly developed "Deutsche Bank Standard of Living Index 2023"

- 16 federal states, 16 moods: People are most satisfied in Brandenburg, Saarland and Hesse; less satisfied in Bremen, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Lower Saxony

- Satisfaction gap: Households with comparatively low incomes rate their standard of living almost one grade lower than financially better off households

- Looking ahead to 2024: Many of those surveyed are skeptical, but also convinced that family, friends and volunteering provide positive experiences.

Deutsche Bank has published further important results and charts HERE .

The articles published on the Deutsche Bank Standard of Living Index 2023 can be found under the following links: