Bonsai Research

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How the cosmetics industry can benefit from social trends

"An exciting decade awaits us - let's make something of it," is Jens Krüger's summary for companies in the cosmetics industry. In the first issue 2021 of the VKE Beauty Report, the Bonsai-CEO points out the opportunities that social megatrends offer the industry. A brief summary:

Ethical Consumption & Conscious Lifestyle

76 percent of Germans see it as added value for their quality of life if companies make their economic, social and ecological stance transparent. This is an important result, not only for the cosmetics industry, of the 5th trend study on ethical consumption by the Otto Group in cooperation with Peter Wippermann, which Bonsai accompanied with market research.

Moreover, the Values Index 2020, published by Prof. Peter Wippermann and Jens Krüger, showed a re-politicisation of society and a trend towards Concious Life even before Covid 19 - a development that has intensified since then, as the Values Index 2020 Corona Update shows.

Health & Holistic Wellbeing

Health and holistic well-being will be mega-topics of the coming decade. According to Jens Krüger, this is also a great opportunity for the beauty industry: "The longing and desire for life that is now emerging will also inspire the cosmetics industry. Finally - do something good for yourself and treat yourself. Try out new fragrances, new creams. Yes, we will also be able to experience a new hedonism."

Bonsai Research joins the Cosmetics Association

Bonsai Research is now a supporting member of the VKE Cosmetics Association. In future, a Bonsai survey will regularly provide the "figure of the month" for the cosmetics industry. With this, we want to make a contribution to orientation in the New Normal.

Contact: Jasmin Pampuch / Jens Krüger