Bonsai Research

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Better Brands by Bonsai - Part 1: Bonsai BrandCore

In the new webinar series "Better Brands by Bonsai" - we show you what brand research can do for you today. The first part today is about:

Bonsai BrandCore - Strong brands for heart and mind

Prof. Dirk Frank, Head of Bonsai Strategy, presented how we capture the brand essence and the brand codes - as well as the 'mental' availability and the implicit and explicit representation of the brand personality. And how all this helps your brand move forward.

We would be delighted if you would also take part in our next webinars: live in January 2024 or afterwards on YouTube.

12.01.2024 - Bonsai BrandMap - Growth needs potential

How we use Bonsai BrandMap to capture the strategic brand positioning in the competitive environment and show you potential that you have never seen before.

19.01.2024 - Bonsai BrandMonitor - Brand success control

We offer continuous monitoring of brand strength and brand personality. What quantitative brand tracking is based on and how you can benefit from it.

Time: 9:30-10:15 a.m. each day.