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Values Index 2020 - Health, family and success as the most important values

The Values Index 2020 is not a feel-good index. How can companies respond to advancing individualisation and other signs of changing values?  

The Values Index has been the largest survey of social values among social media users for more than ten years. In general, the Values Index 2020 shows a shift in discussion content away from lifestyle towards more politics. The analysis shows a higher level of critical and reflected expressions of opinion. It is less about the everyday things in life or lifestyle topics than before. Conversations are becoming more critical, political and tangible.

The most important values of the German citizens at a glance:

TOP 1 - Health has always been one of the most important values for Germans and has often been at the top of the ranking. Among the most discussed topics are self-diagnosis and therapy. In addition, the exchange is becoming more practice-oriented - health risks are also discussed more often. 

TOP 2 - Family rises one rank in the values index. Everyday moments with one's own family that are perceived as precious are celebrated as particularly important topics of conversation. Conflict potential within the family is also discussed particularly frequently. 

TOP 3 - Success is this year's advancement score - from sixth to third place. The posts are mainly about what one is successful at. The climbers in the list of topics are mainly political successes. 

Jens Krüger has analysed the challenges that the change in values will bring for companies in an article in Bonsai Sales Magazin.

- To the PDF of the article LINK
- To the order form Bonsai Sales Magazine LINK

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The 2020 Value Index Trends in Fast Forward (YouTube)

Bonsai-CEO Jens Krüger presents the top trends of the Values Index 2020 on the YouTube channel of Bonsai and shows how companies can react to them. The most important things in just under three minutes:

Episode 1: How the largest social media values study has developed since 2009 LINK
Episode 2: The relegated values: Why "nature" plays a smaller role than before. LINK
Episode 3: The most important values of the Germans: Health, family, success. LINK
Episode 4: Why the value of nature is losing importance despite the climate debate. LINK
Episode 5: OK Boomer - how the generation conflict is intensifying. LINK
Episode 6: How companies can work with the Values Index LINK 

Contact: Jens Krüger
Managing Director Bonsai GmbH

Phone: 0160 8835825

About Bonsai Research

Bonsai was founded in 2004 and specialises in test markets, shopper research, analytics and mystery research. With 15 years of experience in the national and European consumer goods and health care market, Bonsai has developed from a media test market to an experimental platform for marketing innovations with a focus on retail (including food retail, drugstores, DIY stores, pharmacies). Bonsai offers experimental market research close to the customer and accompanies innovations from the development of ideas and concepts to the launch of the product - and beyond.